10 Tips to Look Your Best in Wedding Photos


Ace Your Wedding Photos

– By PhotoBooth Rentals

After all the extensive planning, stressful process, a day filled with love, and hundreds and thousands of dollars spent, there are just a few things that can remind you of your wedding day. And, your photos are one of them. So, it’s only natural that you want to look your best in every picture.

However, it is not always easy to achieve such perfect photos. There are even some who dread seeing how they looked like on their wedding pictures and rarely look back on them anymore. On the other hand, some focus too much on being photographed perfectly that they forgot to enjoy their wedding. 

But don’t worry. You don’t have to be in any of these scenarios. With this article, we will help you on how to look your best while enjoying your busy yet happy day.

Here proven tips that ensure a beautiful album and wonderful wedding photos that will stick with you for the rest of your life. 

10 Tips to Look Your Best in Your Wedding Photos

  1. Avoid putting too much makeup as it will overpower the best features of your face, especially your eyes. Too much makeup makes your eyes look smaller when photographed. So, as much as possible, use soft eye shadows with peach, pink, or earthy tones. 
  1. Move your head forward and slightly lift your chin to avoid having a double chin… And, this applies to everyone, regardless of shape and size. Double chins are common in pictures so make sure you elongate your neck.
  1. Let it go – we mean your tears. If you feel the waterworks coming in, don’t hold it back because if you do, you will end up looking like your in pain. Don’t worry about crying on your wedding day and go with your emotions. Not only is this a moment worth capturing but it will also look natural and heartfelt – which looks good in photos!

4. Find your angle by positioning one leg in front of the other or shift your weight to one foot. This way, your body won’t face the camera straight on and you will look slimmer in photos.

  1. Forget about your photographer. On your wedding day, (if you can) stop worrying about your photographer. Instead, put your focus on what truly matters – your new husband or wife. Trust your emotions as they will result in beautiful photos you will love. 
  1. Be mindful of your posture and avoid slouching as this will make you look bigger and tired. Always put your shoulders back, your chest forward, and pull your belly back toward your spine. Doing this will make you thinner and more relaxed. 
  1. Keep your arms away from your body, especially when you are wearing a sleeveless wedding dress as this will make your arms look bigger and your shoulders broader. 
  1. Help out your hair by adding extensions. In real life, natural hair tends to look flat and thin when photographed. So, to compensate, you’ll need extensions to make it fuller. Plus, it gives braids and updos more substance. 
  1. Stay calm and relax. People look their best and are more photogenic when relaxed. So, during your wedding day, make sure to take a few deep breaths whenever you feel like getting stressed. 

10. Have a test shoot or engagement photoshoot as it is a great opportunity to see your final look on your wedding day. This will allow you to practice the poses you have been trying out and see whether they are going to work or not. Plus, you’ll get to know your photographer, try out your wedding dress and get a feel for what the real day will be like.


  1. These are fantastic tips to look your best on your wedding day! I especially appreciate the advice on staying hydrated and getting enough sleep; it's often overlooked but makes a huge difference. Wedding Photography In Chennai Your blog is a valuable resource for brides-to-be, offering insightful guidance for their special day. Thank you for sharing! 👰💫👔


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